
If you would like to make a donation to our Fund Drive, click here.  Stay on this page to make a Donation in Memory of someone.  

To donate via Venmo, use the QR code below:

The Verona Rescue Squad is now able to accept credit card donations through Paypal. To make a donation using you credit card click on the DONATE button below:

If you are making a Memorial Donation in addition to using the above donation link, PLEASE click below to send us an email:

and provide us with:

  • the name of the deceased person
  • your name and address and if you prefer to remain anonymous to the family
  • the name and address of the family member of the deceased to be notified of donations after all are collected
  • the amount, date, and time (for our records only – to facilitate internal matching)  

This site ( does not collect credit card information.  The link takes you to third party links.  Thank you for your support.